Each year members of Teller Business Builders buy gifts for families who need financial assistance with Christmas. This year we gave to two families. Below are members wrapping these gifts before they get delivered to the recipients.

By Gail W
By Gail W
This year, Teller Business Builders had the opportunity to host the monthly meal for the CASA families in Woodland Park at the Woodland Park Community Church. Each month the families meet and have a meal provided to them by the church. In the month of October, TBB was privileged to provide the meal for the CASA staff and the families they serve.
By Gail W
Every summer Teller Business Builders get together to enjoy fun, food and fellowship with the members and their families. This year was a great turnout of fun for the adults and their kids!
By Gail W
Teller Business Builders has a section of town we are responsible for during the annual Citywide Cleanup event hosted by Keep Woodland Park Beautiful organization. This year we had one of our members bring their whole family to help. We had a blast!
By Gail W
In May of this year, members of the Teller Business Builders helped sponsor the first annual Casino Night hosted by the Ute Past Symphony Guild. The monies raised at this event went towards the annual Symphony Above the Clouds concert on July 4th in Woodland Park. Here are a few of the fun pictures taken of our members that evening. Fun was had by all!